Svelte Component Testing

Framework Support

Cypress Component Testing supports Svelte 3+ in a variety of different frameworks:

  • Svelte with Vite
  • Svelte with Webpack


Visit the Svelte Quickstart Guide for a step-by-step tutorial.


To get up and running with Cypress Component Testing in Svelte, install Cypress into your project:

npm i cypress -D

Open Cypress:

npx cypress open
Choose Component Testing

Choose Component Testing

The Cypress Launchpad will guide you through configuring your project.

For a step-by-step guide through the installation wizard, refer to the Configure Component Testing section of the Svelte quickstart guide.


What is the Mount Function?

We ship a mount function that is imported from the cypress package. It is responsible for rendering components within Cypress's sandboxed iframe and handling any framework-specific cleanup.

import { mount } from 'cypress/svelte'

While you can use the mount function in your tests, we recommend using cy.mount(), which is added as a custom command in the cypress/support/component.js file:

import { mount } from 'cypress/svelte'

Cypress.Commands.add('mount', mount)

This allows you to use cy.mount() in any component test without having to import the framework-specific mount command, as well as customizing it to fit your needs. For more info, visit the Custom Mount Commands section in the Svelte examples.

Using cy.mount()

To mount a component with cy.mount(), import the component and pass it to the method:

import { Stepper } from './stepper.svelte'

it('mounts', () => {

Passing Data to a Component

You can pass props to a component by setting props in the options: cy.mount():

it('mounts', () => {
  cy.mount(Stepper, { props: { count: 100 } })

Accessing the Component Instance

There might be times when you might want to access the component instance directly in your tests. To do so, use .then(), which enables us to work with the subject that was yielded from the cy.mount() command.

cy.mount(Stepper).then(({ component }) => {
  //component is the rendered instance of Stepper

Testing Events

To test emitted events from a Svelte component, we can use access the component instances and use $on method to listen to events raised. We can also pass in a Cypress spy so we can query the spy later for results. In the example below, we listen to the change event and validate it was called as expected:

it('clicking + fires a change event with the incremented value', () => {
  const changeSpy = cy.spy().as('changeSpy')
  cy.mount(Stepper).then(({ component }) => {
    component.$on('change', changeSpy)
  cy.get('@changeSpy').should('have.been.calledWithMatch', {
    detail: { count: 1 },